Saturday 9 July 2011

Testing to a beat

Greetings all,

I enjoy a catchy tune, classical masterpiece or headbanging metal-noise - but I have never seen nor heard of music for testing. Now you might think "Well what do you expect? - a Beethoven-esque revision of Symphony 7" to accompany you as you creatively destroy what was once a "feature-ready" system? Yes, I do.

Now to differ the above topic - I also enjoy gaming. Valve's masterful production of Portal and Portal 2 have created a cult and financial hit among the gaming community. Coupled with the fact: the recently released the soundtracks, in two part, of Portal 2 - means we now have the music to which we can test by!

So when you have a chance; please go on through the link:



Sunday 1 May 2011

Submission to the Internet Overlords

Dear Internet,

After many a year making snide and superfluous comments regarding bloggers.
I am now here. With a blog. How pathetic.

I intend to use this blog to highlight and document my musings over various topics; be it gaming, knowledge management and quality assurance you will find these topics here.

So good game dear Internet

