Monday 9 April 2012

Rhyme and defects

A belated hello to all,

It has been sometime between my blog posts (getting on to a year now); while I could make many excuses - there really isn't any bar the constant distraction: life. But... To business! 

I regularly read/follow "All Things Quality" blog by Joe Strazzere. He posts succinct but thought provoking pieces on the topics of testing world and the impact a software tester plays within the software life-cycle. A recent post was Nursery Rhymes for Testers (follow the link) the content is hilarious and really prompts me to think when I am 'chasing the weasel' or 'eating my christmas pie' that if there is any issue in the people or processes within my workplace.

More often it is something which needs to be highlighted, analysed and discussed - prompting change through mutual agreement over the vicious 'blame-game'. However, one rhyme I believe Joe has omited is 'Humpty Dumpty' - so I took a stab myself and came up with:

Humpty dumpty made an object call,
Humpty dumpty was blocked by the firewall,
All the kings testers and all the kings devs
Couldnt debug poor humptys env[sic]s*.

*('env' as in environment - refers to often poorly configured and setup test environments).

So how does this compare to the cultural nursery rhymes across the globe - I really think being aware of the different viewpoints, approaches and thinking is paramount to being an expert tester. Remaining solely focused and trained within one organisation is death to career but also from a philosophical stand point. 

I hope the testing world treats you well and you keep the quality high every where.

Until next time.

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